Thursday, June 25, 2009

Stop the Illegal Treatment of Indian Cows

Animals used by the leather industry are transported to states truck3 where they can legally be killed. Forced to walk through the heat and dust for days without food or water, many of the animals collapse. Handlers pull the cattle by ropes through their noses and twist their necks, horns and tails or rub chilli peppers in their eyes in order to keep them moving.

Cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep are crammed onto lorries to be taken for slaughter in conditions which are so crowded that many are gouged by the horns of others or suffer broken bones from being crushed. Many of them die en route – often from suffocation. Once at the abattoir, it is common for animals to be dragged inside and cut open with dull knives – often in full view of one another, which is illegal. Some animals are skinned and dismembered while still conscious.

Please submit your petition to our Prime Minister to stop this illegal inhuman activity.  Please click on the link below:

Courtesy: Peta India

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