Thursday, June 25, 2009

Stop the Illegal Treatment of Indian Cows

Animals used by the leather industry are transported to states truck3 where they can legally be killed. Forced to walk through the heat and dust for days without food or water, many of the animals collapse. Handlers pull the cattle by ropes through their noses and twist their necks, horns and tails or rub chilli peppers in their eyes in order to keep them moving.

Cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep are crammed onto lorries to be taken for slaughter in conditions which are so crowded that many are gouged by the horns of others or suffer broken bones from being crushed. Many of them die en route – often from suffocation. Once at the abattoir, it is common for animals to be dragged inside and cut open with dull knives – often in full view of one another, which is illegal. Some animals are skinned and dismembered while still conscious.

Please submit your petition to our Prime Minister to stop this illegal inhuman activity.  Please click on the link below:

Courtesy: Peta India

Friday, June 12, 2009


Humans have always looked at the Moon and admired its full_moonbeauty.    You would rarely find a person who would not disagree with me on this.  About 3000 years ago, the Egyptians looked at the Moon and made their conclusions about this large object in the sky.  Romans did the same during their golden era.  Indians did the same much before all of them and included it as a part of their science of Astrology.  The Moon has always been a fascinating object in the sky.  People bask in the moonlight.  People want to view it up-close using a telescope. Writers wrote stories about how people settled down on Moon and visited their relatives on Earth.

In the 1960s, when the Moon expeditions began people could finally see the Moon up close.  People saw the large craters, scores of them, that have been caused by meteor strikes.  There was no atmosphere to really talk about.  Humans would suffocate to death without the pressure suit and oxygen tank.

People realized that what looked so beautiful and magnificent from a distance, could only be admired from a distance.  You could not stay there.  Once we look at the Moon up close and see the craters, we realize how dangerous it is to live there if at all we decide to do so.

It is amazing to know that this characteristic applies to people too.  How many times has it happened that you are attracted to a person, but once you start knowing that person, they are not as attractive anymore.  How many times has it happened that you found this person very attractive, humorous, sensitive, likeable, lovable, almost perfect.  This is true in almost all the cases where a man and a woman fall in love with each other.  It somehow happens that they never seem to find anything wrong with the other person. Even if they do find something wrong, it just seems such a small thing that it would not hurt anyone. “So what?  No one is perfect”, they say to themselves.  This is the “Admiring the Moon from the Earth” phase.

However, all this changes once they get married.  Those small teeny weenie little things simply blow out of proportion.  All of a sudden they are the worst habits a person can ever have.  The theory of “no one is perfect” goes out of the window.  Fights, arguments, disagreements, …(I need some help with words here).  This is the “Living on the Moon” phase.

This makes me realize that some people after all are like the Moon.  They seem so perfect to others from a distance, however, you just cannot live there.  But then it occurred to me that the Moon never actually changed.  It was as barren as it is today.  It was as cold as it is today.  What really changed the whole scenario is our viewpoint.  Our over-expectation from the Moon led to our disappointment.  Now, would you blame the Moon for your disappointment?  Well, some people do but we cannot change them.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

BLACKY BOY - We Will Always Miss You

                       December 1995 to May 14, 2009

You were and will always be a family member to all of us. We hope that you are in heaven right now. You have always loved us unconditionally. Every time you saw us, you waved your tail and expressed your affection towards us. You came to us as a one-week-old puppy and left us as a 13 1/2 year old. Your leaving us has created a vast emptiness in the home that can never be filled. You are an inseparable part of our family. Every part of the house reminds us of you. Everything we do, we remember you. Every time, I come back home from office, I remember you coming towards me waving your tail in affection and trying to play with me.

Forever you will remain in our hearts.
One of the things that stands out about you is the fact that you have never even hurt a cat. We have had so many cats in our house, and you have never hurt them, although sometimes you have chased them away just to show them who's the boss. I still remember the image of you and one of our cats having lunch together from the same plate. You were generous enough to share your food with a cat. No one can beat this. You have actually set an example for us human beings. If you can share your dinner with a cat, supposed to be your arch enemy, can we humans be kind enough to share some of our food with other unfortunate stray animals on the streets.