It all started after the day we saw a video named The Secret, a video talking primarily about thinking about the right things. When I say the right things, I do not mean morally right, but what I mean is thinking only of things that we want to happen and those that give us pleasure, and not think of the opposite. If we analyze, we would realize that most of our thoughts are not what we want but they are what we do not want to happen. In the morning, most of us are thinking "I do not want to be late", "My boss will kill me if I .....", and so on. If you look at these closely, these are not things which we want, but what we do not want. What really happens is somehow you end up late to office or you somehow end up making your boss angry at you. I am not saying that this is bound to happen but it happens most of the time. I am sure you will agree with me. There are days where you wake up and are feeling great about everything and somehow end up having a good day.
I don't know how many of you are aware of Murphy's Law. The Murphy's law, in a nutshell, states that "If something can go wrong, it will." Also "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way".
All along, I have been a great believer of the Murphy's Law, and believe me it worked perfectly for me. After watching The Secret, I realized that I was focusing on the negative rather than the positive. Could be one of the reasons why I have not enjoyed my life in the last few years, in spite of career and financial growth. After watching The Secret, I started forcing myself to think positive no matter what and now (after two weeks) I somehow look at things in the positive sense. Just to give an example, when we were discussing about some business strategies, one of my colleagues quoted someone as, "Differentiate yourself or die". It somehow just came on to my lips and I said "Differentiate yourself and thrive". This might look like boasting but believe me it was spontaneous and I stated this just a couple of seconds after my colleague stated his statement .
In keeping with the essence of The Secret, I have decided to only think of what I want to happen. Everybody wants only positives to happen in their life, so just focus on those. The fact is Negative thoughts come easy and Positive thoughts need to be forced until they become a habit. Eight Olympic Gold Medals did not come easy to Michael Phelps, right? It would have been so easy for him to give up swimming when all his friends were having fun at the pool table with their girlfriends on their side and a beer in their hands.
I believe in The Secret, and you also will after you watch the video. TRUST ME.